Oct 15, 2020
We've got a bit of a departure from our normal set up today. Instead of a particular hiker, I've got a disparate collection of characters who attended our inaugural Woods Hole Retreat a couple of weekends ago. I've tried to recapture the event by chatting with nearly all the participants and hope that you'll enjoy this one-off change.
We covered a four-day weekend, starting with a short hike into Dismal Falls from the Weary Feet Hostel. At the Falls, we camped overnight and shared some tips on overnighting and the various considerations you have to take into account.
The following morning, we returned to Weary Feet, then drove to Woods Hole, where everybody joined up and spent Friday till Sunday lunchtime as our own little tramily.
Pretty much everybody spoke, and, as you'll hear, the weekend was a great success.
Special thanks go to Neville and Bruce for coming up with the idea and implementation and Tina for joining us from the Quarterway Inn. Tina showed off her AT necklace (Below). If you'd like to buy one or see more about them, check out her website shop at https://quarterwayinn.square.site/
You can also find out more about her hostel for a future stay (currently closed) at https://www.quarterwayinn.com/
If you'd like to find out more about Woods Hole, go to http://woodsholehostel.com/
and to learn more about Weary Feet, go to https://wearyfeethostel.com/
I've got Bill Tickner (Mr President) again as he pushes into his last state, Virginia.
Also this week, Andrew Downs, Senior Regional Director for ATC in Virginia, kicks off our new segment of conversations with the ATC. This week, the subject is "Thru-Hiking to ATC Staff: How Has My Perspective Changed after my Thru-Hike?"
Because of the length of this show, we're not including the latest episode of Fozzie's Balancing on Blue. That will be next week.
If you like what we're doing on the Hiking Radio Network, and want to see our shows continue, please consider supporting us with either a one-off or monthly donation. You'll find the donate button on each Hiking Radio Network page at https://www.hikingradionetwork.com
Any support is gratefully received.