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Mighty Blue on the Appalachian Trail:

The Ultimate Mid-Life Crisis

Jun 24, 2021

This week on the show, we go back to the 'normal" format, with me, Mighty Blue, at the microphone. Ryan is passing back the show having successfully steered it for the past three months. I am eternally grateful for the effort Ryan put into the show and hope to have him back behind the mic from time to time.


Jun 17, 2021

Lisa Speas or "Conundrum" has been long-distance backpacking for many years traversing a variety of trails, the longest of which being the Appalachian Trail. Her AT journey was anything but typical and even included flatlining in the emergency room.

Lisa and Ryan discuss her journey on the Mountains-to-Sea Trail, the...

Jun 10, 2021

We've got a couple of overachievers on the show today. Kera and Bill decided that an Appalachian Trail thru-hike wasn't sufficient to scratch their adventure itch, so they went straight from their 2200-mile walk to a 5000-mile bike trip, crossing the country from Bar Harbor to San Diego–taking a fairly circuitous...

Jun 3, 2021

On a beautiful day in the Grayson Highlands, Ryan hikes and sits down with Nimblewill Nomad for a follow-up interview from the last time they spoke on the trail.

Nimblewill is over 900 total miles in since leaving Flagg Mountain, Alabama, earlier this year. He is attempting to set a record by thru-hiking the...