Nov 24, 2022
Today's guest, Lauren Adamczak, described herself as "the quiet 30-year-old that never spoke up in groups, often looked down at the ground in public, and wouldn’t dare leave the house in mismatched clothes." Four days into the trail, she accepted–with glee–the trail name, Airbag. When I read a post she made on Facebook, I knew I wanted her on the show.
Lauren didn't make it to the brown sign on Katahdin, but she had an adventure that energized and enhanced her life, taking on "Airbag" with such positivity that I wondered through our conversation whether it was Lauren or Airbag with whom I was talking.
You can follow Lauren on Instagram at
Steve Kortekamp is our third member of the Mighty Blue Class of 2023. Steve is a retired firefighter, and first saw the trail in the 60s, on Clingman's Dome, with his father. He'll be carrying the picture from that day (below) with him as he hikes the trail next year.
If you'd like to find out more about "Then The Hail Came," check out George's website at You can also find George's book on Amazon at this link.
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