Feb 15, 2024
We meet another Brit on the show today. Daniel Clark is a listener to the podcast, and he filled in the form to register as a guest on our website, adding rich detail about his 2023 thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail. We explore some of his stories.
Daniel has a terrific website that chronicles some of his other hikes. You can find it at All Walks | Ourwalks
He is also on social media at Instagram and YouTube at Instagram (@walking__north) and Englishman Just Walking
In our casual series of other hikes, my friend Andrew Cohen shares his recent experience on the TGO Challenge in Scotland. You can catch his YouTube at The Wandering Drew, where there is a playlist with 23 videos related to his equipment, some planning, as well as each day of the journey, and his travel to and from the UK. Check them out, as well as the TGO Challenge site itself, at A unique Scottish backpacking adventure, where you’ll find a ton of info about the challenge.
Don’t forget. Our entire series of videos from our Woods Hole Weekend in 2022 is now FREE and available at my YouTube page at Woods Hole Weekend - Trailer. There, you’ll find all sorts of tips and tricks that our guests took away from the weekend that helped them with their own hikes this year. Check it out.
I often ask listeners for ideas on who to interview, and I’m sure several of you say, “I could do that. I’ve got an awesome story to tell.” You’re the person we need to hear from. If you’d like to be interviewed on the podcast, just register as a guest on the link below, and I’ll be in touch. Come on the show!
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.If you'd like to take advantage of my book offer (all three of my printed hiking books–with a personal message and signed by me–for $31, including postage to the United States) send a check payable to Mighty Blue Publishing at the address just above.